3D/4D Obstetrical Services

TIMT 3D/ 4D Obstetrical Services

With the amazing advancements in technology and modern medicine, the information we can now obtain via 3D and 4D ultrasounds is incomparable! This has vastly improved our ability to assess your baby’s well-being. It has also allowed doctors to see more subtle changes associated with certain problems that can arise in pregnancy.

TIMT 3D/ 4D Obstetrical Services

With modern technology, our state-of-the-art advanced ultrasound equipment provides 3D and 4D images of your baby. You can see the actual face of your unborn child, with every facial detail, as well as the activities that your baby is doing inside – from sleeping and thumb-sucking to kicking and laughing. Not only does this allows you to start bonding from the very beginning, you also get the peace of mind that your baby looks healthy, and if your pregnancy is challenging, a 3D and 4D ultrasound helps to ensure the best possible outcome.

Pregnancy is full of unknowns, but there are some areas that don’t need to be full of guesswork. We provide first-rate medical procedures so that you can have the confidence and reassurance that you are going to have a wonderful pregnancy. We hope your ultrasound appointment will be a positive and exciting experience!